How to Keep Pests Out During the Holidays

A cockroach in St. Louis MO - Blue Chip Pest Services

As we get closer to the holiday season and all its festivities, it’s important to remember how easily pest infestations get started around this time. With all of the gatherings of people, gifts coming to and fro, and decorations making annual appearances, there are plenty of opportunities for pests to spread around. If you’re wondering how you can prevent pests in St. Louis MO this winter, read on. Our technicians at Blue Chip Pest Services are here to teach you about how infestations usually start during the holiday season and what you can do to prevent them.

How Do Pests Spread During the Holidays?

You might be wondering, what do pests have to do with the holiday season? There are actually novel opportunities for pest infestations to start during the holidays—here are some of the main ways that pest infestations start during this season: 

  • Coming out of storage: Lots of people like to decorate their homes with decor that doesn’t see the light of day for most of the year. Stowing away your decorations leaves pests with the opportunity to make homes in your boxes.
  • Arriving in packages: Sometimes, during the shipping process, some packages can become infested with pests. Cockroaches and pantry pests are some of the top offenders of this type of infestation.
  • Living in plants: The holidays are associated with wreaths, garlands, and trees, all of which can serve as hiding places for pests.

3 Tips to Prevent Holiday Season Pests

You have to be extra careful not to let pests take over your home during the holiday season. These are the three main ways we recommend you take precautions against pests during the holidays: 

  1. Shake out your trees and greenery before setting them up in their places for the holidays. You might find that some unwanted guests fall out. 
  2. Check your decorations and the boxes that they’re stored in for bite marks, pest droppings, and other damage. It could be a sign that pests are inside.
  3. Make sure that your firewood isn’t infested before bringing it inside. Ideally, you should store your firewood outside, away from the house, and off of the ground.

Holiday Season Pest Control in St. Louis MO

Whether you’ve had pest problems recurringly in your holiday history or you’re looking to get a head start on prevention, the technicians at Blue Chip Pest Services have you covered. We understand the needs and particular problems that St. Louis residents have and conduct holistic pest control services to combat them. We can inspect your home and storage spaces to discover any active pest populations or vulnerabilities and apply pertinent pest control products or techniques to defend your home. Don’t let pests spoil your holiday season—contact our team today for a free quote!