Rodents in Home: Protecting Your Insulation

rat covering eyes with paws

Mice and rat infestations are easy to spot if you can recognize the signs. Regardless of the kind of rodent, their habits tend to be the same. They like to chew, chitter and scratch, and leave their dropping nearly everywhere you go. Once you find evidence of a rat or mouse infestation, you can call on the team at Blue Chip Exterminating to clear them out of your property. However, in many cases that’s not all that needs to be done. If the rodents in your house made their way into your home’s insulation, they likely caused damage beyond the scope of what an exterminator is qualified to handle.

What do rats and mice do to insulation? What can you do fully protect yourself fully from rodents and other pests? Let’s answer both below.

Rodents and Insulation: A Toxic Romance

The insulation in the walls and attic of your home functions by slowing the transfer of heat to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Fiberglass batting is the most popular choice for homes in the St. Louis area – and, coincidentally, it is also the most attractive to rodents. It’s soft and fluffy, very easy to tunnel through and tear to eat or make a nest. And since insulated areas are usually dark and undisturbed, they make a perfect home for rats and mice.

These areas are the first targeted when treating rodent infestations. But even if we remove rats and mice from the property, we can’t clean their droppings and other signs of their presence. You can’t clean or repair damaged insulation, and in many cases the best thing to do is replace the material. And we suggest leaving this job to a professional. Rodent droppings potentially contain Hantavirus, which can spread into the air if handled improperly. An expert can replace your insulation safely and effectively. You may be asking, though, do you have to wait for things to get that bad? Replacing even just your attic insulation can cost $2,500 or more on average. Is there a way to avoid costs like these?

Preventing Rodents through Wildlife Exclusion

It’s one thing to work to remove rats or mice from a house. It’s another to look at a rodent infestation and acknowledge that these pests got inside through somewhere. As you read this there are likely vulnerabilities in your property that rodents could get into. And the best way by far to protect your home’s insulation is by addressing these entry points that mice and rats can take advantage of. It’s called wildlife exclusion, and it’s a core component of our rodent extermination strategy. With that in place your property will be cleaner and able to function more efficiently.

Blue Chip Pest Services is well-trained in every aspect of rodent control and extermination. If you want a comprehensive level of service that works with your needs in mind, you’ve come to the right place. Contact us today to get started!

Can Mouse and Rat Poop Make You Sick?

rats on kitchen sink

Have you found what looks like multiple piles of dirt around the house? If these have sprung up seemingly out of nowhere, take the time to stop and look a little closer. Rat droppings and mouse poop are easy to identify if you know what to look for. Rat poop is dropped in larger groupings, usually near insulation, and each pellet is roughly the size and shape of an olive. Mouse droppings, on the other hand, are longer and smaller in shape with a pointy end. With that in mind, the dirt in your home might not be dirt at all, but an indicator of a potential rodent infestation. If that’s the case, then you need to act quickly, as rat and mouse poop can indeed make your household sick.

Hantavirus: Caused by Rat and Mice Poop

There are risks that come from handling rodents themselves. You can get salmonellosis or rat-bite fever from eating food they’ve contaminated, or even the Bubonic Plague from the bite of an infected rodent flea. But if you have rat or mouse droppings around your home, you run the risk of unknowingly infecting you and your household with Hantavirus. Hantavirus is transmitted to humans through exposure to infected rodent urine, droppings or saliva. It’s a severe, sometimes even fatal respiratory disease that can start with a fever and headaches and end with your lungs filling with fluid. Treatment can be incredibly difficult, so it’s agreed that the best course of action is to keep a clean home free of any rodents.

What to do if you see Mouse or Rat Droppings

If you see a pile of rat or mouse poop around your home, your initial instinct may be to sweep or vacuum it up. That’s sound in theory, but if this is an infected pile of droppings disturbing it can send the Hantavirus into the air. A better course of action would be to put on protective gear and carefully disinfect the contaminated area. This could be done through a virucidal cleaner, bleach and disinfectant, or even just washing fabrics in hot water. Don’t keep the gloves or dust mask you use after the fact, as they’ll likely now be infected and unsanitary beyond repair. And – most importantly – keep in mind that where there are rodent droppings, there are rodents, and they need to be eliminated or removed before causing any more damage to your house or the people that live in it. You need help, and Blue Chip Pest Services is ready to get to work.

Blue Chip Pest Services for Rodent Control

At Blue Chip Pest Services, we know all the major rodents in the area and have 50 years’ worth of experience in keeping them out of your home and off your mind. Rat and mouse poop is a serious issue with potentially devastating consequences, but with the right care, it doesn’t have to get that bad. So if you see a pile of droppings in your home, before you do anything else be sure to contact Blue Chip Pest Services!

Chipmunk Damage and Your Home

Chipmunk in St Louis MO - Blue Chip Pest Services

Did you know that chipmunks are a part of the rodent family? As cute as these creatures can be—especially with their big cheeks—they can also be quite a nuisance if they make their way onto your property. Rodents such as chipmunks may seem harmless out in the woods, that is until they decide to make your home theirs, nesting under your patio, stairs, or retention walls. Before winter settles in here in St. Louis MO, it’s important to learn how to safeguard your home or business against rodents and wildlife looking to hunker down for the cold months ahead. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about preventing and getting rid of chipmunk problems for good!

Are Chipmunks Destructive?

Chipmunks are climbers but prefer to spend their time in underground burrow systems that are quite elaborate. They will create nesting chambers and storage rooms to house their young and the food they’ll need during the winter such as nuts and seeds. These small creatures may look pretty innocent, but the truth is they can cause quite a bit of damage to your home. Some of the main dangers of chipmunks are as follows.

  • They cause structural damage to your home and surrounding structures.
  • Chipmunks burrow under your foundation, under walls, and any other dirt surface that may reach 30 feet long 3 feet deep.
  • They are known to consume bird seed, pet food, and precious flower bulbs.
  • Like other rodents, they can spread salmonella and other diseases.

How to Prevent Chipmunks

Keeping chipmunks from getting on or in your property in the fall requires some of the same steps you’d take to prevent rats and mice. These creatures can squeeze in through tiny openings and, once inside, will cause quite a mess. To prevent the destruction they can cause, it’s important to take measures to prevent them in the first place. Four of the main tips you can do to prevent chipmunks are to: 

  1. Store all pet food and bird seed in airtight containers.
  2. Do not feed your pet outside or leave pet food there.
  3. Seal garbage cans and empty the garbage on a regular basis.
  4. Do not store firewood too close to your home.

Chipmunk Control Services

If you think chipmunks have made their way into your home, it’s important to always contact a professional to remove them. Diy pest control methods are never a wise choice for getting rid of rodents, chipmunks included. Whether you want to prevent these rodents before the winter or need an inspection, contact the rodent control experts at Blue Chip Pest Services today!

Spring Allergies: Cockroaches & Rodents

Rodents may trigger allergies. Learn more with Blue Chip Pest Services in St. Louis MO

Most people associate rodents and cockroaches with food contamination but did you know that these pests also serve as sources for allergens? That’s right. Allergen proteins have been found in the saliva, droppings, and decomposed bodies of cockroaches. They’ve also been known to appear in the hair and droppings of rodents. The allergen proteins found in these pests are known to aggravate symptoms, affect breathing and cause itchiness.
With spring allergy season underway here in St. Louis, it’s important to be aware of the potential pest allergens in your environment. The experts at Blue Chip Pest Services are here to share all you need to know about spring allergies and pests.

Pests & Seasonal Allergies

Over the past few decades, research has shown that certain types of pests may trigger allergies in people. The main culprit? The cockroach! Roach droppings, saliva, shed skin, and other parts contain allergen proteins. When you have a cockroach problem in your home or business, those allergens can contribute to allergic reactions and trigger asthma symptoms, particularly in children!

Along with cockroaches, rodent activity can be linked to triggering allergies. Saliva, skin, and urine from rats or mice have been known to cause allergy symptoms for many people, especially children. Dealing with a rodent infestation in your home can lead to an increased risk of suffering from a number of allergy symptoms: runny nose, itchy eyes, and more.

Tips to Prevent Pest Allergens

To prevent pest allergens, you need to prevent pests altogether! Simple pest prevention methods can work to reduce the number of pest allergens in your home. The top ways to reduce these pests, as well as their allergens, include: doing this and that

  1. Keeping all food sealed in airtight containers.
  2. Regularly take out the garbage.
  3. Clean up all crumbs in the kitchen.
  4. Store boxes off the floor and on proper shelving.
  5. Vacuum on a regular basis.
  6. Wipe down kitchen counters daily.
  7. Clean out pet food bowls regularly.


Spring Pest Prevention Services

Pest infestations can be hazardous for a number of reasons. If you want to avoid the many dangers of pests year-round, allergies included, it’s best to team up with your local exterminators. At Blue Chip Pest Services, we are dedicated to keeping our communities pest-free and families safe from the dangers pests bring all year long. Contact us today to learn how we can help prevent pests in your home this spring!