Protecting Trash from Raccoons

Are you finding a mess on your hands the morning after you put your trash out? That is the work of pesky raccoons. They will upset trash bins, scatter the contents all over your property and create a lot of clean-up work for you. Not only that, they’ll keep coming back.Continue reading

Honesty: The Best Policy

No doubt you’ve heard it before: Honesty is the best policy. And while sometimes it can seem far easier to be dishonest, telling the truth is always the best course of action. When it comes to pest control, most people are so freaked out by the thought of insects or rodents in their house that they’ll do whatever any pest control experts suggest to rid their home of these issues.

Many pest control companies simply send a sole salesperson out when a customer calls in with a concern or problem. One of our greatest assets is our well-trained, educated staff. Our office staff can answer most questions over the phone and recommend a plan (whether it’s a service, a product or something you can even do on your own.) Our technicians constantly attend our extensive training programs where we bring in some of the top experts in our field to ensure we know (and can share with you) the best & most reliable sources of knowledge and information. We pride ourselves on a open & honest approach with every single one of customers — like Edward (who sent us the above quote) but also like you.


Good Night. Sleep Tight. Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

Spring is just around the corner! Do you have a spring break vacay coming up? (Or maybe you’re getting a jump start and planning a weekend getaway for your valentine this month!) While we always recommend you do a thorough inspection of your vacation bedroom, sometimes the excitement of checking in combined with your eagerness of wanting to check out your new location puts that room inspection on the backburner. One souvenir no one wants to bring home from any vacation is bug bugs…or their icky bites.

But how do you know if you’ve been bitten by a bed bug? Great question! Without actually seeing the bugs, this can be very difficult to determine; however, there are some some general things to look for:

  1. Bed bug bites will be small bite marks which look similar to a flea or mosquito bite.
  2. The bites can appear in a line or be totally random.
  3. Bed bug bites often seem to appear in clusters of threes.
  4. Bed bug bites are usually itchy. They can swell & take the form of large raised welts.
Keep in mind that this is a general guideline of the “typical” bite from a bed bug. And, actually, 30% of people who get bitten by a bed bug will have no reaction whatsoever. If you have any specific questions or concerns, checking in with your doctor is always a good idea.


Remember that bed bugs are not picky about where they live. They are just as likely to be spotted in glamorous 5-star hotels as they are in seedy 1-star motels. The cleanliness of a hotel (or condo or apartment or home) has absolutely no bearing on whether they will be affected by bed bugs or not. These bugs are equal-opportunity pests!