Happy Take Your Dog to Work/Your Home Office Day!

Happy Take Your Dog To Work (Or Your Home Office) Day! I can’t tell if one of Blue Chip’s furry, 4-legged mascots, Wrigley, is working hard or hardly working. ????  She’s looking more like she’s ready for chasing tennis balls in the sunshine rather than working in her “paw”-ffice this afternoon. ????

Love is in the Air

Here comes the bride! ???? And her groom! ???? It’s our pleasure to introduce you to our favorite newly married couple — our termite manager Scott Romay and his beautiful bride Tina! Cheers to a lifetime of laughter and love, Mr. and Mrs. Romay! ❤️


2020 Mascot

Meet the unofficial mascot of 2020:
1) Washes hands incessantly
2) Always wears a mask
3) Rearranged letters of his name actually spell “corona”